Join us in South San Francisco on August 17th for the NCB-AALAS Symposium! This year's theme is "Animal Vibes in the Vivarium - Good Vibes Only!" Registration is now open for members, non-members, and Commercial Sponsors. Our Keynote Speaker will be Pamela Straeter, National AALAS President & Director Global Technical Operations, Veterinary Sciences, Bristol-Meyers Squibb.
Below is a sampling of planned activities:
Dual Track Presentations with Veterinary, Technician & Vivarium Management Topics
Careers in Lab Animal Research Panel and Holistic Animal Welfare Workshops
Commercial Exhibit Hall with dozens of companies and services represented
Poster Competition with prizes for the top posters
Technician Fun Fair & Scavenger Hunt
NCB Awards honoring Lab Animal Managers, Technologists, Technicians, & Technical Support Staff
Vendor sponsored Breakfast, Luncheon and Wine & Beer Social...and lots of great raffle prizes!
Questions? Contact Sonja Wallace, NCB-AALAS Symposium Chair