We are proud to announce our first one day annual meeting! Please join us as we hear from many well-known LAS professionals as they educate us about a variety of important topics.
Scott Kubisch from Peaceable Primate Sanctuary will be our lunch keynote speaker. He will tell us all about the sanctuary and how they help many of our retired laboratory primate heroes. This should be a wonderful talk about an important cause!
Above is our list of speakers and their topics for the day. We are applying for RACE approval, and we will let you know if we are approved!
You will be able to earn your CEUs for your AALAS certifications.
Please click this link for registration:
INAALAS Annual Meeting 2024 | Indiana AALAS
Registration Information:
INAALAS members: $30
Non-Members: $55
Vendors: $250 (this includes one representative, table, and chair)
Vendor + Meal Co-sponsor: $450 (this includes one representative, table, chair and additional advertising for meal sponsorship
Additional representatives per vendor are $25 each
We will offer dedicated vendor time multiple times during the day as well as breakfast and lunch.